Truth (Part Three)

Your life is a time-sensitive trust from God. Think about this great biblical truth and what it means to the way you invest your time, energy, and money. The idea that your life is a time-sensitive trust is a foundational concept in  Christianity. Biblical concepts like stewardship, responsibility, judgment, rewards, discipleship, and Christ’s lordship are based on the truth that God has entrusted us with our lives. A trust is a property or interest held by one person for the profit or benefit of another. The owner of the property […]

Truth (Part One)

Truth. What is truth? Why is truth important? What role does it play in the health and stability of our relationships and the functioning of government and other entities on which we depend? Today’s post is a reminder of why truth is important and an introduction to some life-changing truths that will follow in the weeks ahead. Why this series, this subject, why now? Because truth is vital to living well and to healthy relationships. And, there is evidence there is a concerted effort to replace foundational truths with lies.   […]

A Living Faith?

A living faith. What is a living faith? Why is a living faith important and how do you know if you have it? Come with me on a little journey as we explore what faith is and how a living faith changes your life for time and eternity. “Are you a person of faith?” There have been occasions when I have asked this question of someone with whom I’ve been having a deep discussion. Do you know the kind of answer I generally get? People typically answer by telling me […]

Why is Faith Important?

Why is faith essential to living? Think about that. We may think that faith pertains only to the “spiritual” realm; i.e. God, heaven, Jesus, Christian living, etc. But, is that true? I strongly believe that we become children of God through an act of faith. As the Bible says, we are “saved by grace through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). I also believe that the need for faith or trust is woven into the fabric of everything we do as humans. Faith is necessary to operate in the “seen” world in which […]

Anxious? What You Can Do About It (Part one of three)

Are you feeling anxious nowadays? Most of us are and for good reason. It’s okay to have anxious thoughts and feelings. I believe Jesus, our Lord, had some anxious moments in Gethsemane and on the cross. The Apostle Paul had his bouts of anxiety during a shipwreck, riots when he was preaching, and during his long imprisonment while awaiting martyrdom. Many of David’s psalms tell of his struggles during threatening situations and how he turned to God to calm his anxious spirit. It is normal to become anxious but to […]

The Trust Factor

Today, let’s talk about the Trust Factor. Are we coming apart as a society?  What role does trust or the lack of it play in what appears to be a tearing apart of our nation? What role will you and your family play in making your community and your world a safer place to live?  The Trust Factor is critically important in life. There’s a lot in the news nowadays about trust, or the lack of it, when it comes to our government leaders. Folks all over America are doubtful […]

What Momma Said

  While shopping in a big box store recently I was assisted by an elderly man named Bob. He was very helpful, friendly, and brimming with stories about his life. This type of encounter can make the task of shopping more enjoyable for me, so I listened, and listened, and listened until I left the parking lot.  One of the things he told me about was the wild side of his life as a pro wrestler for several years. He described this period as living on the dark side of […]

Do You Really Want to Build Trust?

Do you  really want to build trust in your marriage? If so, you need to see how things you do or do not do everyday affect your spouse’s ability to trust you. Marriage has multiple demands that go beyond maintaining and growing the relationship with your spouse. Work, child rearing, financial management, and such things as maintaining where you live play a part in how trust is built or destroyed in your marriage. With effort a deficit of trust in any of these areas can be overcome in time. However, […]

Are You Too Trusting?

Are you too trusting? In the previous blog I dealt with the issue of transference and how our difficult experiences in the past can cause trust problems in our present relationships. There is a “flip side” to transference related to trusting people which we also need to be aware of because that can cause tremendous heartache also. Let’s say you grew up in a family where you could absolutely trust the word and character of your parents. And, for argument’s sake, let’s say that you would admit to being too trusting […]

Trust Your Spouse?

There is no way to overstate the importance of trust in marriage. Trust is to your marriage what your heart is to your body. Trust is absolutely indispensable to a healthy marriage. Therefore, our character and the things we do to earn trust are vital if we are to have a good marriage. What I have just said implies at least two important things about trust. First, trust is a basic need in your marriage. Being able to depend on each other to respect your deepest feelings and needs builds […]