
Thanksgiving. The term is obviously a combination of two words, giving and thanks. The first thanksgiving event can be traced to the 1600’s when the Pilgrims gave thanks for God’s mercy and care in bringing them though a brutal winter and loss of loved ones to celebrate the bounty of the food they had been able to grow. We celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday on the last Thursday of November. What do you know about how this holiday came about and some people responsible for this day being set […]


If you’ve been having a tough time lately, read this. Reflecting on this has been encouraging to me; I hope it will so the same for you. Cos Gratitude, the cure for a bad attitude. As most of you know, I’m in my eighth decade here on this planet. I’ve made lots of trips around the sun on this spinning ball we call earth. And in my days, I’ve experienced good and bad, gain and loss, health and sickness, success and failure, and satisfaction and disappointment. From time to time […]