Truth (Part One)

Truth. What is truth? Why is truth important? What role does it play in the health and stability of our relationships and the functioning of government and other entities on which we depend? Today’s post is a reminder of why truth is important and an introduction to some life-changing truths that will follow in the weeks ahead. Why this series, this subject, why now? Because truth is vital to living well and to healthy relationships. And, there is evidence there is a concerted effort to replace foundational truths with lies.   […]

Where Are You?

Where are you? This is the first important life-question you must think deeply about and understand if you are to make the changes necessary to get you to a better place in life. In order to plan a new course, to change direction, you must deal with the reality of the here and now. Thus, the first question. Where are you?  Let me explain what I mean by this question. So far as I know, the first recorded instance of this question was God’s question to Adam in the Garden […]