Christmas, How Much Did It Cost?

Christmas. How much did it cost you this year? Do you know? Or, maybe you’re one of those “last-minute” shoppers who won’t know til the credit card bill comes. Christmas is the most expensive time of the year. I’ve researched how much Americans spend yearly and am astounded at the numbers. What caught my attention is how much the amount has jumped ”big time” yearly. Want to take a guess? This information is a little dated but will give you a general idea. Here’s a hint: start in the billions, […]

Truth (Part Five)

“My choices determine my character, which in turn determines my destiny.” This truth holds serious implications now, your future, and eternity!  Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go in life? Your choices will form your character. Who you become will determine your ultimate destiny. Sometimes we are confronted with competing choices. What will we do? Where will our choice take us?  Choices are important. Of course, some choices are demonstrably more important than others. The choices to marry and who to marry are infinitely more […]

Truth (Part Four)

Do you realize you live in “two” worlds? When you trusted Jesus as your savior you became a citizen of another realm of existence. From that moment you became a dual citizen, continuing to live in this world system but with a higher allegiance to Jesus as your Lord. You may have noticed soon after you became a follower of Jesus that the two worlds are in constant conflict, both vying for your worship and investment. As a follower of Jesus, you live in two worlds that are in conflict. […]

Truth (Part Three)

Your life is a time-sensitive trust from God. Think about this great biblical truth and what it means to the way you invest your time, energy, and money. The idea that your life is a time-sensitive trust is a foundational concept in  Christianity. Biblical concepts like stewardship, responsibility, judgment, rewards, discipleship, and Christ’s lordship are based on the truth that God has entrusted us with our lives. A trust is a property or interest held by one person for the profit or benefit of another. The owner of the property […]

Follow the Money

“Follow the money” is a phrase often used related to the investigation of political corruption. We are starting to hear this idea tossed about in relation to our current president and his son. It was prominent in a 1976 movie, All the President’s Men, focusing on the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon.,examining%20money%20transfers%20between%20parties. I believe “following the money” will reveal a great deal about each of us. If you “follow the money” in your life, what will that say about you?  Money is important. It is one of […]

Want More of Heaven’s Currency ?

Heaven’s currency is something that should be of interest to all of us. This is especially true in light of what’s happening to the dollar, the currency of our country. Inflation is a big concern for most of us these days. We are noticing that our dollars are shrinking, buying mush less than they were a year ago. My car’s gas tank is about half full (or half empty if you tend to see things negatively) and I’m dreading to face the price indicator as I pump the gas again. […]