The Promise

When our children were young they would ask Cecelia or me to “promise” to do something or get something for them.  We would say, “We will think about that but can’t promise we will do it.” Sometimes our concern about the request was what such a promise would cost us. Another factor in our unwillingness to make a quick promise to their request was that life circumstances might make granting their wish impossible. We realized we were not God and not in control of what might happen to nullify the […]

Needing Some Hope?

I must admit that my hope concerning the direction of our country has been running on fumes for a couple of years. I often avoid the news because we get the same old problems of incompetence over and over again. Sometimes I give in and make myself watch a newscast with the hope things might have changed for the better since the last news I heard but the direction we’re going hasn’t changed. I don’t like being at this miserable place regarding our country. I sure hope things will change […]

What’s Happening To Us?

What’s Happening To Us? The convergence of several crises such as we have dealt with in recent years can create a sense of upheaval and bewilderment. At the beginning of this century’s third decade, America’s economy was booming. Unemployment rates were low, the lowest ever in several minority sectors. The usual political rancor and vindictive rhetoric of Washington D.C. continued to dominate the media in anticipation of November’s national elections. But, despite the deep political and value-based divisions, our country seemed to be doing pretty well. Most of us had no […]

Why Did God Give You A Child?

How do you answer this question, “Why did God give you a child?” Children can be difficult, it’s true, but God has placed your child or children in your life to do something for you. God has different ways to grow us. While you are their parent, they may be the instrument through which God teaches you some life-altering truths. The bottom line of life is relationships. God gave you a child as a way to enhance your relationship with him. God can use your child in many ways to […]