
Thanksgiving. The term is obviously a combination of two words, giving and thanks. The first thanksgiving event can be traced to the 1600’s when the Pilgrims gave thanks for God’s mercy and care in bringing them though a brutal winter and loss of loved ones to celebrate the bounty of the food they had been able to grow. We celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday on the last Thursday of November. What do you know about how this holiday came about and some people responsible for this day being set […]

If It’s Good, It’s From God

  If it’s good, it’s from God. When was the last time you enjoyed a good cup of coffee or your favorite cold drink? Do you have warm, pleasant memories of good times with your family or friends over the holidays? Is your life good? Do you enjoy relatively good health? Do you have enough good food to eat? Do you sometimes stop to ponder how good you really have it? What about all that’s not good, the evil in the world? I’m very aware of the fact that there is […]

Do You Remember?

What do you do to help you remember the important things you want to get done?  I get so busy at times that I don’t remember where I put something. For example, several years ago while working on a project in the garage, I lost a knife Dad gave me. Later, I realized this important gift was missing but had no idea where it was. Several years later, I reached for something on top of the water heater and there it was!! I had not remembered putting it there. I […]

That’s Gratitude for You

  If you read last week’s blog you will recall my story about my frustration with birds pooping on the swing I use for meditating and resting from yard work. I am happy to report the spike board I put above the swing is working! I have not cut the tree from which I was “spotted” but neither have I suffered a repeat of being personally assaulted by the ungrateful creature that pooped on me. By the way, the spot on my blue pants will not come out. Every time […]

Two Important Words

    Two Important Words “Thank You” are two of the most important words we can use. They rank right up there with “I’m sorry” and “I love you.” Of course, none of these words are meaningful if they are not sincere, coming from somewhere deep inside us. Giving thanks, expressing gratitude are highly encouraged in the scriptures. Paul reminds us in his prison letter to the Philippians (4:6-7) that thanksgiving is a great antidote for anxiety. Try it sometime when you are feeling anxious. Take a few minutes to […]