Life Lessons: Learning to Listen (2)

Learning to listen is important in building important relationships. Now, let’s continue with our life lesson on a skill that is so important to our relationships, LISTENING. Surely you have experienced the difference between being listened to and being heard. It is highly probable that you have been on both sides of such situations. Recall a time when you believed the other person attempted to listen to you. How did you feel? How did you think this experience helped you? Now, can you recall a situation when you were trying […]

Life Lesson: Learn to Listen to Others

It’s getting close to “crunch time” in my life! The editorial process for my book is about over and the marketing push will be revving up pretty soon. The release date for Heaven’s Currency: Investing in the Things That Matter Most will be late February or early March 2022. Next week I will be able to give you a peek at the beautiful cover for the book. In the meanwhile, please be thinking about friends and family members who could benefit from the paperback or ebook. The central issue of life […]