Who Are You Trying to Please?

I believe we are in a cultural war that will determine the future of our country. Forces of hell are working to change the very nature of our society in several different ways. Evil is behind this effort in high places in government, schools, powerful corporations, and many media outlets to replace the Christian principles that undergird our constitution and way of life. They are inciting hate and division which can ultimately destroy us. Those who participate in these activities have a plan based on lies and use intimidation, and […]


I pulled in behind a large SUV and got out my member and debit cards to be ready for my turn to pump gas. Nothing was happening at the pump in front of me, so I assumed the person might have finished and would be leaving soon. I waited patiently a couple more minutes, and it dawned on me that the driver had not even begun to do what they had supposedly come there to do, to pump gas. A minute or so later, the person got out, and with […]

Need an Adjustment?

      Need an Adjustment? I went to a chiropractor recently for an adjustment to begin the process to realign my neck in order to alleviate a problem with my shoulder. This was my first chiropractic adjustment and, while not painful, held a few surprises. I’ll not bore you with the details but it got me thinking about “adjustments” I’ve had in other areas of my life. Some have been much more difficult than the experience with the chiropractor. For example, “You’re getting too big for your britches” is […]