Truth (Part Three)

Your life is a time-sensitive trust from God. Think about this great biblical truth and what it means to the way you invest your time, energy, and money. The idea that your life is a time-sensitive trust is a foundational concept in  Christianity. Biblical concepts like stewardship, responsibility, judgment, rewards, discipleship, and Christ’s lordship are based on the truth that God has entrusted us with our lives. A trust is a property or interest held by one person for the profit or benefit of another. The owner of the property […]

Easter People in a Good Friday World

” Easter people in a Good Friday World.” I was intrigued and curious when I heard her say it. Our speaker that morning was a very bright and devoted follower of Jesus named  Kristi McClelland. What did she mean by this arresting introductory statement to her powerful message , “Easter people in a Good Friday World?” My primary takeaway from Kristi’s message is that followers of Jesus serve a Risen Lord. Yes, Good Friday is important but without the resurrection God’s plan has failed and we are still in our […]

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

“Never let a crisis go to waste.” You often hear that phrase used in relation to the current administration in our nation’s capitol. But, according to my resident scholar Alexa, that phrase was used many years ago by Prime Minister Winston Churchill. His exact words were “Never let a ‘good’ crisis go to waste.” Some folks believe that politicians create a problem or crisis in order to distract the public from another pressing issue. This would be similar to a person setting a building on fire while they go to […]