God’s First Promise

What biblical promise means most to you? Is there one you call to mind when you are going through a rough time or feeling low? Several of God’s promises have buoyed my sagging mood at times when I have needed reassurance and hope. I’ll  share  some of the most meaningful ones as we extract them  from the teachings of Holy Scripture as weeks go by.

I recall one that my then teenage daughter kept posted on her bathroom mirror as she was navigating the turbulent waters of later teenage years. I had never given much thought to it before I began to see it prominently displayed as a her daily reminder of God’s care for her. Jeremiah 29:11 says, ” I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,  plans for good and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.”

We will look at Jeremiah 29:11 and many more promises in the weeks ahead but for today I want to call your attention to what I consider God’s first promise directly to human beings. Unlike Jeremiah 29:11, God’s promises sometimes come as warnings or strong cautions about what will happen should we make forbidden choices. There are many biblical examples of God’s warnings that come to us in the form of a promise. We need to pay close attention to these kinds of promises because our choices about them will bring either blessings or curses.

So, what was God’s first promise? It is found in an instruction God gave to Adam in Genesis 2:16-17, “And the Lord commanded the man saying,’ From the tree of the garden you may freely eat; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.'”

So, God establishes His authority and rule over Adam, the progenitor of the human race, giving him permission to have dominion over all He created. But, one thing God forbids Adam to do is to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And as we read further in the creation story, Adam obeys God’s command.

But, Adam is alone with no-one of his kind as a companion. God meets Adam’s companionship need by creating Eve, “one  corresponding to him.” And ” The man and his wife were both naked and were not  ashamed.” Genesis 2:24. No doubt Adam shares God’s promise with Eve and they are innocent for an undetermined time. But, the tragic fulfillment of God’s promise is about to take place.

Evil did not enter the picture with the creation of Adam and Eve. Evil was present before their creation because Satan had already rebelled against God, wanting to usurp His authority and rule in the world. So, Satan’s focus will be upon the human beings God has created, tempting us to join him in rebellion against God.

We see Satan, disguised as a crafty serpent, coming to  Eve in Genesis 3:1-7. Doubtless, one of the most consequential choices in human history was made in that paradisal garden as Eve gave in to the smooth, tantalizing lies of Satan. ” And she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.” Genesis 3:6.

As a result of this act of rebellion, the entire human race will be marred by a sinful nature. The desire to play God, to act like we are God,  is part of human nature we inherited from Adam and Eve. And with our human nature comes the promise of God, “You shall surely die.” 

Paul puts it like this in Romans 5: 12, “Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all have sinned.” So, this pretty well tells us the source of all that ails the human race, alienation from God because of our sin. All that is wrong: the crazy weather, the evil going on in our world, sickness, and death can be traced back to one basic issue; man’s pride and rebellion against God.

The “Good News” in our seemingly hopeless situation is that we are not hopeless. We are sinners and we will die, unless Jesus returns before we succumb to death. My hope is in Jesus and what He has done to save me from eternal hell and hopelessness.  Here’s why we have hope, “As sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to  eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:21. This promise, made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus, is God’s answer for all who have sinned against Him, and that includes all of us, doesn’t it?

Here are a few takeaways from God’s first promise:

When God speaks, listen and do as He says. 

Rebellion, deliberate disobedience to God has serious consequences.

Keep our pride in check.

We study and know what God’s Word tells us about our thoughts and actions.

Satan is the enemy of God and us, as well. Be on guard for his assaults on you.

Stay in close fellowship with God through prayer and saturating your mind with Scripture.

Ask forgiveness when you sin and turn to God to save you from yourself.  


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