Pursuing Wisdom

What are you pursuing in life? Most of us have a pretty good idea of what it means to pursue something or someone, right? But, if we are a bit  “fuzzy” about the concept, let’s turn to the old reliable Webster’s dictionary to clarify it for us. Here is the gist of three ways of defining pursue,  (1) “To follow in order to overtake, capture…(2) “to proceed along or follow, as a specified course of action, plan…(3) “to try find, strive for, seek.” Look carefully at these definitions, what stands […]

Wisdom, Where Does It Begin?

Wisdom. When does a person begin to become wise? Can a young person become wise or is wisdom reserved only for the elderly? I believe young people can get on the path to being very wise while some older folks get more and more foolish as they grow older. In other words, ” some people live and learn while others just live.” Do you want to be wise? If you do, you must discover the Source of all wisdom. So, let’s talk about where wisdom begins. Where does wisdom begin? […]

Wisdom, The One Thing We Need Most

What is the one thing you need most in life? How do you answer this question? If God would give you anything you wanted, what would you ask for? Wealth, fame, health, friendship, success, a new car, a great-paying job, a long life, a loving marriage, or a beautiful house? About one thousand years before Christ, Solomon, son of David, became the third king of  Israel. His reign of forty years marked the zenith of Israel’s glory. He built the first temple and brought great wealth and prosperity to Israel. […]

Prayer and Anxiety

Today’s blog is about prayer and anxiety. If you haven’t read last week’s blog on “The Ugly Face of Anxiety,” please go back and read it before continuing to read this one https://www.cosdavis.com/the-ugly-face-of-anxiety.  I believe a great deal of the personal pain and problems I mention in that blog could be avoided. “How?” you ask. By following a correct approach through prayer when we first realize anxiety is becoming a problem. I don’t say this to condemn or judge anyone who deals with chronic anxiety. I simply want to stress […]

Anxious? What You Can Do About It (Part one of three)

Are you feeling anxious nowadays? Most of us are and for good reason. It’s okay to have anxious thoughts and feelings. I believe Jesus, our Lord, had some anxious moments in Gethsemane and on the cross. The Apostle Paul had his bouts of anxiety during a shipwreck, riots when he was preaching, and during his long imprisonment while awaiting martyrdom. Many of David’s psalms tell of his struggles during threatening situations and how he turned to God to calm his anxious spirit. It is normal to become anxious but to […]

Truth Is

Truth Is…..essential for building trust. This is the case whether you are dealing with people or with a Cuckoo clock. Speaking of Cuckoo clocks, let me tell you about mine. Please indulge me in the event you’ve heard this story before. While visiting Europe in 2011 Cecelia and I decided to buy a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest area. We were enjoying the beautiful scenery along the Rhine river when we came upon this charming German village. After looking at many styles and price ranges of clocks, we decided on […]

The Trust Factor

Today, let’s talk about the Trust Factor. Are we coming apart as a society?  What role does trust or the lack of it play in what appears to be a tearing apart of our nation? What role will you and your family play in making your community and your world a safer place to live?  The Trust Factor is critically important in life. There’s a lot in the news nowadays about trust, or the lack of it, when it comes to our government leaders. Folks all over America are doubtful […]

Love, What Our World Needs Now

Love, What Our World Needs Now.  It may seem presumptuous of me to use a title such as this in my blog. Do I know what the world really needs now? I think I do know what the world, what you and I need now. There are some things most of us want and many of us need. That list includes lower gas prices, a closed southern border, a good immigration policy, an impartial judicial system, lower food, and heating bills, etc. Perhaps there are some personal things, some broken […]

Trust, A Delicate Flower

Webster defines trust as “assured reliance on the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.” Let that sink in a minute. Where do your thoughts take you? Do you have an unreliable vehicle or appliance? One of our greatest needs as human beings is to feel safe with others, to believe another person can be trusted to always want and seek what is best for us. This kind of faith is the glue that makes your marriage and friendships work. Trust in you as their parent is what helps […]

How Can I Change?

How can I change? “I want my daughter to feel better about herself than I did growing up. But how can I help her with that if I don’t feel good about myself?” These are the words of a single mom who had become painfully aware of the destructive toll her anger and immaturity were taking on her daughter. I understood her painful question to mean there was a glimmer of hope for her relationship with her daughter. The weeks of therapy had created an awareness and an uncomfortable level […]