Truth (Part Four)

Do you realize you live in “two” worlds? When you trusted Jesus as your savior you became a citizen of another realm of existence. From that moment you became a dual citizen, continuing to live in this world system but with a higher allegiance to Jesus as your Lord. You may have noticed soon after you became a follower of Jesus that the two worlds are in constant conflict, both vying for your worship and investment. As a follower of Jesus, you live in two worlds that are in conflict. […]

Truth (Part Two)

Before you begin reading today’s message, I thought you might want to listen to  Whitney Houston’s rendition of a song most of us learned as a child and have loved for years. It’s always good to be reminded that Jesus loves us.  God loves you and has a plan for your life. This is the most important fact of your life! Think about the impact that believing that truth can have on your life. Do you believe there is a God who is the Creator and ultimate authority of this […]

Happy Birthday America?

Today is the two hundred-forty-eighth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the document that declared the colonies’ independence from the mother country. At great risk and personal sacrifice, the colonists fought for almost eight years to become free from the oppression of the British monarchy. The founding fathers who declared independence from England in 1776 realized their lives and possessions were at great risk. At the close of that eight-year war, many widows were left to raise their fatherless children. Truly, our country was founded on the […]

Prayer and Anxiety

Today’s blog is about prayer and anxiety. If you haven’t read last week’s blog on “The Ugly Face of Anxiety,” please go back and read it before continuing to read this one  I believe a great deal of the personal pain and problems I mention in that blog could be avoided. “How?” you ask. By following a correct approach through prayer when we first realize anxiety is becoming a problem. I don’t say this to condemn or judge anyone who deals with chronic anxiety. I simply want to stress […]

Anxious? What You Can Do About It (Part one of three)

Are you feeling anxious nowadays? Most of us are and for good reason. It’s okay to have anxious thoughts and feelings. I believe Jesus, our Lord, had some anxious moments in Gethsemane and on the cross. The Apostle Paul had his bouts of anxiety during a shipwreck, riots when he was preaching, and during his long imprisonment while awaiting martyrdom. Many of David’s psalms tell of his struggles during threatening situations and how he turned to God to calm his anxious spirit. It is normal to become anxious but to […]

Truth Is

Truth Is…..essential for building trust. This is the case whether you are dealing with people or with a Cuckoo clock. Speaking of Cuckoo clocks, let me tell you about mine. Please indulge me in the event you’ve heard this story before. While visiting Europe in 2011 Cecelia and I decided to buy a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest area. We were enjoying the beautiful scenery along the Rhine river when we came upon this charming German village. After looking at many styles and price ranges of clocks, we decided on […]

Heart Maps

“Out of the heart come the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23 Heart Maps. To most of you, this may seem to be an unusual combination of words or ideas. We often hear phrases such as heart attack, heart trouble, heart break, and heartache. And, we know what these words mean. But what is a heart map? To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen these words used together before. So, I may be coining a new word combination. Let me try to explain by discussing these words separately […]

What Are You Thinking?

    Thinking; the ability to consider, ponder, plan, and solve problems is a God-given endowment that is so important to each of us. While some ” lesser” animals can problem-solve, none compares to the high levels of thinking humans are capable of. Neuroscientist have discovered that we humans have more highly developed frontal lobes in our brain than any other species. Do you remember the Genesis story of how God created everything? The heavenly bodies, the earth, water, fish, and animals all preceded his crowing act. And, He created […]

How to Make a Good Choice, 6 Reminders

Today, I want to give you a little checklist of 6 reminders about good choices. Life requires choices and sometimes we need reminders, a checklist of things to keep in mind, especially when our decisions are weighty ones. Good choices are important because we are given one life and the awesome power to decide who we will be and what we will do with our life. We make choices and those choices have consequences. Some choices seem rather inconsequential but others have life-altering, eternal meaning. The good choice to follow […]

Good Decisions in 3 Steps

There are 3 basic steps involved in making good decisions. Wise people learn  to make a habit of making choices that are good for them and others. What better habit could you develop than the habit of making one good decision after another? Most of us will confess that one way we have learned how to make better decisions is through the pain and frustration of bad ones. If we were smart we did some serious thinking, talked to wiser people, and did some research so as not to make […]