Working Yourself Out of a Job

Parenting is a job. It requires a lot from you. You must show up to work, be consistent in the way you  provide physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual guidance. Your job is to provide an environment in which your child feels loved, safe, and encouraged to become all God created him/her to be. The  job of parenting is an honor to have, scary in the scope of responsibility, and growth-producing to any parent that gives a good effort at it. But, parenting is not a lifetime job. It is not […]

Communicating Is a Big Deal

Communicating well with your child is a big deal. It is a major tool to help you succeed as a parent. We often think about how important good communication is in professional relationships, in the everyday functions that make life workable, and in maintaining and developing a good marriage and friendships. But, do we really consider how important it is to communicate well with our child? Good communication takes focus and work. The ability to communicate your intentions or wishes and to be understood is a difficult task. Do you […]

Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?

Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?  I want to believe most parents “love” their children. However, I’m convinced by experience that some parents do not have a healthy love for their child. What I mean by this statement will become more obvious as you read further. Loving your child in a healthy way is not such an easy thing to do. It is not that your child doesn’t need or deserve such love but healthy love requires a high degree of personal discipline and maturity. Good parenting can’t be done by […]

The Attitude of Successful Parenting

The Attitude of Successful Parenting  Attitude is critical in so many things we do. A good attitude goes a long way in working with others. No one likes to be around people who are always complaining, blaming others for their plight in life, or have a sour disposition.  In doing some research on attitude I discovered that many aircraft have an “attitude instrument” Yes, you read it correctly, attitude. (Yes, they have instruments to measure altitude also). I did a double-take when I first saw that. The attitude instrument informs […]

Where Does Successful Parenting Begin?

Where Does Successful Parenting Begin? In the event you have missed the first blog in this series “Want to be a Successful Parent?” or want to review it, here is the place to start Where does successful parenting start? Does it begin at the birth of a child? Having a child makes you a parent but does it make you a successful one? Does it begin with reading books on child development or parenting strategies or techniques? While this is commendable and can prove helpful, good parenting does not begin […]

Want to be a Successful Parent?

Want to Be A Successful Parent? This is the first of six blogs I’m calling “Principles of Successful Parenting.” In these blogs we will be looking at the idea of “success” as it applies to Christian parents who want to do a really good job in parenting their children. If that is your goal and desire as a parent, let’s begin with a definition of what it means to succeed.  If you “google” the definition of success, you will find numerous ideas with one central theme. Success is determined by […]

Looking Ahead-A Parenting Series

Looking ahead. We have come to the exciting finish of  ” Five Life-Changing Truths.” I hope you have found these biblical messages to be encouraging and challenging in your walk with the Lord.  My purpose for this message is to tell you what’s next, to look ahead at what I’ll be sending your way over the next several weeks. Beginning the second week in October, I will be doing a series of 6 blogs on parenting called “Biblical Foundations for Successful Parenting.” There is so much at risk for our […]

Toxic Thinking

Toxic thinking. Have you ever known someone whose thinking has been poisoned by the words and actions of others? I’ve known several folks like this. Many of them developed toxic thought patterns about themselves because of verbal abuse by a wounded parent. There is an old saying in Scripture that goes something like this, “The parents have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” Toxic or poisoned thinking is often a generational issue; the grandparent is angry from an unhealed wound, afflicts their child with their […]

How Is Your Vision ?

Our subject today is vision. Your eyes are a marvelous testimony of the ingenuity of our Creator. If you haven’t done so, take some time to investigate some of the marvels of one of the most intricate and wonderful parts of your body, your eyes. For many years I had perfect (20/20) vision. But as I continued to age, I needed glasses with a corrective lens to enable me to read and see things up close more easily. Another change came and I now wear glasses to correct my vision […]

5 Star Reviews

Overwhelming! For three days last week I made my e book “free” on Amazon. The response was as I said, “overwhelming.” Perhaps you were one of the many who took advantage of my offer. I am glad to be  able to provide my weekly blogs for free, and occasionally give copies of different books away as well. I hope what I  am trying to do will be helpful in your daily walk with the Lord. I have several 5 STAR reviews on my book Heaven’s Currency! And, I need more […]