What Is There To Love About God (Part Six)

Psalm 1 provides another answer to the question, “What is there to love about God?” This psalm encapsulates a reassuring theme common to other psalms and much of the teaching of the Bible. What is that reassuring idea? Obeying God’s word brings us the best life has to offer. The opposite is also true, disobeying God’s word will ultimately bring ruin and loss. God has created us as moral beings who can choose to obey or disobey His instructions or Law. His Law is a loving gift to teach us […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Five)

What is there to love about God? I began blogging about this question five weeks ago and am finding it hard to stop. I hope what I’m finding in the Psalms is as encouraging and reassuring to you as it has been for me; the psalms are an inexhaustible mine if riches about our Lord. So, let’s keep digging. Today we are looking at some verses in Psalm 37. This is a place I sometimes go when life is difficult and the world seems to have gone over the edge […]

What Is There To Love About God ? (Part Four)

Psalm 86 is another of David’s psalms. The opening words tell us something is wrong, something very troubling is going on, ” Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am afflicted and needy.” What is it that has prompted David’s desperate prayer? What is troubling him to the point that he is so direct in his plea for God’s help? You may recall that God became disgusted with Saul and gave the kingdom of Israel to David. However, being king over Israel was no easy task. I can […]

What Is There to Love About God? (part three)

“What is there to  love about God?” That is the question we have been exploring in the previous couple of blogs. We have looked at Psalms 23 and 103, both attributed to King David. In those magnificent works he has told us many things about God and why we should love Him. We explore our question today by considering some words about God from Psalm 100, a psalm not specifically identified with David’s writing. However, looking at what is being said here about the Lord will lead you to conclude […]

What Is There To Love About God ? (part two)

Today we continue to ask  “What is there to love about God?” Scripture tells us that God wants us to love Him more than family, career, friends, personal goals, ambitions, and possessions. In other words, He doesn’t want what we have, He wants Us! He desires first place in our hearts and affections; to put anything before Him is idolatry. In last week’s blog, we began looking at this question through the eyes of David, a man whom God had elevated from the lowly work of a shepherd to becoming […]

What is there to Love about God?

What Is There to Love About God? Over several recent blogs, I have shared  ideas about “Learning to Love” and “Learning How to Love God.” Those writings have focused on our relationship with God and our need to grow in our ability to give Him the respect and love He deserves. My two latest blogs were about how Jesus shows us how to love God through commitment, priority, availability, openness, and  obedience. While reflecting recently on what I’ve written about loving God I became aware of an important question I […]

Jesus Shows Us How to Love God (Part Two)

This is the second part of the blog titled ” Jesus Shows Us How to Love God” which I began last week. Jesus shows us how to love God through our commitment, priority, and availability to Him. Here’s the link for that blog should you want to review what that’s about /https://www.cosdavis.com/jesus-shows-us-how-to-love-god-part-one/ Openness. A particular scripture about Jesus comes to mind when He shows us how to love God. It is about growth toward God and realizing one’s purpose. This has nothing to do with a lack of moral perfection […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Eleven)

Who is God? What is He like at the very core of His being? Psalm 103 pulls back the curtain on the heart of our God, revealing truths that bring assurance and relief to all weary, imperfect pilgrims on our trek to heaven. Countless times I have let these words refresh me like a cold glass of iced tea on a hot and humid Tennessee day. Here is an example of what I mean: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not […]

Jesus Shows Us How to Love God (Part One)

  Jesus shows us how to love God the way he deserves to be loved. While we are not Jesus and cannot love God perfectly, we have been left with some strong indicators of how we are to try to live. For me, learning how to love God involves commitment, priority, openness, availability, , and obedience. To live this way I must look to Jesus as my model for knowing how to love the Father. My daily strength to do this comes from the Holy Spirit. I want to use […]

Learning to Love God

Learning to Love God (Part One) Jesus tells us to “love God with all our mind, soul, and strength.”(Matthew 22:37) That is how he lived while here on earth, but he was the only one to ever do that perfectly. This is one of those tall spiritual mountains we are challenged to climb but most of us do not have an inclination to try. Even if we do, we do not have the ability to do this by our own strength. To put our Father first in everything we do, […]