What Does a Balanced Life Look Like For You?

How do we find a healthy balance in our out-of-balance culture? We live with daily tension between our culture’s lure to self-centeredness and our calling to be “salt and light” in a world desperately looking for love in all the wrong places. Paul encourages us to balance our lives by applying the teachings of Christ in our culture rather than being shaped by its values. In his letter to the Philippians, he tells us to live out our salvation experience in our current environment of unbelief and opposition: “Work out […]

Balancing You Life

Today I want to begin a discussion with you about the idea of balance. The more I’ve thought about this word the more I realize how balance is part of almost everything in us and around us. The need for and importance of balance is evident in the natural world, our physical body and its ten systems, our diets, finances, emotional life, spiritual life, relationships, and marriages. What do we mean when we use the word “balance?” The answer could take us in many different directions but with one common […]

Traits of Proactive People

Last week I discussed how I sometimes feel hopeless and helpless in our crazy mixed-up world. A lot is going on that can cause us to despair and feel there is nothing we can do to deal with this craziness in a positive, faithful way. But in that post, I reminded us that we must learn to face hard realities by trusting in God’s goodness and sovereignty in all. And, as a faithful response to his will to take on our challenges with a proactive approach to living out our […]

Feeling Trapped? Helpless and Hopeless?

Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped in a crazy world where everything is out of control. If you are watching some of the same news programs I am you may be feeling the same way. We have open borders and millions of imigrants have come in without us knowing if some of them have intentions to do us harm, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, the national debt close to 34 trillion dollars, and our national government in a sad state of division and ineptness.  Honestly, there are times […]

Choices, Choices, Choices!

A major reality of our existence is the fact that we have choices to make. These decisions can range from the simplest things such as what to have for breakfast to heart-rending ones like selling the cherished house you have lived in for many years or ending what was once a close relationship.  One thing we should learn along the way is that our choices matter. It seems odd to me that some people don’t get that. Do you ever consider how you got to where you are today?  Some […]

The Big Picture

Do you long for meaning and purpose in life? Do you want to be remembered well by family and friends when you are gone? Do you want your life to have counted for something worthwhile, to have made a difference in someone’s life? I can say “absolutely yes” to each of these questions. That’s why I spend hours each week attempting to craft a blog that may be helpful to someone I may not even know. I want to make a difference for someone. We are made for the “Big […]

The Name Above All Names

The name. One particular name, Jesus, is probably on the lips and in the thoughts of millions of people more at this time of year than at any other. That’s because it’s getting close to our annual celebration of Christmas. Although the holiday isn’t named after Jesus, “Christmas” certainly represents what he came to accomplish in God’s plan to save lost humanity. Here’s an interesting article that gives more detail about the origin and meaning of the word Christmas, as well as other information. https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/25th What does the name Jesus […]

Needing Some Hope?

I must admit that my hope concerning the direction of our country has been running on fumes for a couple of years. I often avoid the news because we get the same old problems of incompetence over and over again. Sometimes I give in and make myself watch a newscast with the hope things might have changed for the better since the last news I heard but the direction we’re going hasn’t changed. I don’t like being at this miserable place regarding our country. I sure hope things will change […]


If you’ve been having a tough time lately, read this. Reflecting on this has been encouraging to me; I hope it will so the same for you. Cos Gratitude, the cure for a bad attitude. As most of you know, I’m in my eighth decade here on this planet. I’ve made lots of trips around the sun on this spinning ball we call earth. And in my days, I’ve experienced good and bad, gain and loss, health and sickness, success and failure, and satisfaction and disappointment. From time to time […]

Your Character and Your Child

Your character is the most powerful tool you have to influence others. With it, you can do great good or harm to those within your circle of influence. Let that sink in for a moment. If you don’t believe what I’m saying just think about how you are affected daily by those who have influence in your life. Who are those people whose character affects your life; your spouse, your children, your minister, your doctors, and, of course, politicians at local, state, and national levels. Got your attention now?  Our […]