The Trickster Gets Tricked

Jacob has fallen in love with the beautiful Rachel and it appears that God’s promise and plan are coming together without a hitch. As we saw in Genesis 29, Jacob offered to work seven years for Laban in exchange for his younger daughter Rachel. Jacob served Laban for seven years and “They seemed like only a few days to him because of his great love for her.” Genesis 29:20. What a beautiful love story! But as we’ve seen in our journey to this point concerning God’s plan and promise, things don’t always […]

Jacob “Falls in Love”

As we left Jacob in last week’s post he had spent several days completing his hurried 450-mile trip from Beersheba to Haran. (Genesis 29:1) Why has he made this long, arduous trip? What happened on the journey that began to make a “changed” man out of him? He left home for two reasons. First, Jacob and his mother, Rebekah, had tricked Isaac into giving him the blessing that rightly belonged to his older brother Esau. They insisted he go quickly to his mother’s brother in Haran to escape the wrath […]

God’s Promise to Jacob

When we last saw Jacob he was running from his home in Beersheba, headed for his mother’s kinfolks in Haran. Why was he a fugitive from home? He and his mother had tricked Isaac into giving him the fatherly blessing that was supposed to go to his brother Esau. Rebekah and Isaac agreed for him to leave home to prevent Esau from killing him. Isaac gave Jacob another blessing and told him to find a wife among his mother’s people. So, the trip was to accomplish two things; preserve his […]

Jacob, On the Run

At the close of Genesis 27, Jacob has succeeded in deceiving his aged father and has taken the blessing that belonged to Esau. He is a scoundrel, a self-serving thief who has lived up to his name; Jacob is a grasper. Esau is enraged by his younger brother’s trickery and plans to kill him when his father dies. When Rebekah learns of Esau’s vengeful plan, she urges Jacob to go to her brother in Haran until Esau cools down. Rebekah tells Isaac what’s going on and Isaac calls Jacob in […]

Jacob, God’s Plan and Promise Continue

After a two-week detour from Genesis to focus on Christmas we return to the exciting story of how God entrusted His plan and promise to Abraham and his descendants. What is the plan and how does it relate to the promise? Let’s do a quick review because it is easy to lose sight of the big picture when we dig into some of the messy details of the people God chose to execute His plan. God chose to bring a Savior into the world to bear the penalty for the […]

Christmas, How Much Did It Cost?

Christmas. How much did it cost you this year? Do you know? Or, maybe you’re one of those “last-minute” shoppers who won’t know til the credit card bill comes. Christmas is the most expensive time of the year. I’ve researched how much Americans spend yearly and am astounded at the numbers. What caught my attention is how much the amount has jumped ”big time” yearly. Want to take a guess? This information is a little dated but will give you a general idea. Here’s a hint: start in the billions, […]

The Promise

When our children were young they would ask Cecelia or me to “promise” to do something or get something for them.  We would say, “We will think about that but can’t promise we will do it.” Sometimes our concern about the request was what such a promise would cost us. Another factor in our unwillingness to make a quick promise to their request was that life circumstances might make granting their wish impossible. We realized we were not God and not in control of what might happen to nullify the […]

God’s Promise to Isaac

Do you sometimes question God’s timing? Do you wish He would accommodate your schedule for things you pray for?  There have been instances when God has answered immediately but most of my requests have been put “on hold” for a while. God sometimes delays, but He never forgets. God wasn’t in a hurry to give Abraham a grandson who would receive God’s promise to him. But, He didn’t forget His promise to Abraham. Sarah dies at 127 years. At age 137 Abraham buries his wife and arranges for Isaac to […]

Isaac, God’s Plan and Promise Continue

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving; enjoying good times with family and friends. I find it beneficial to begin each day with an attitude of gratitude. One of the things I’m most grateful for is how God reveals himself to us through the stories and teachings in the Bible. God doesn’t just want us to know “about” Him but to know Him personally. We can do this as we study the Bible and reflect on how He deals with people like Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and us. […]


Thanksgiving. The term is obviously a combination of two words, giving and thanks. The first thanksgiving event can be traced to the 1600’s when the Pilgrims gave thanks for God’s mercy and care in bringing them though a brutal winter and loss of loved ones to celebrate the bounty of the food they had been able to grow. We celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday on the last Thursday of November. What do you know about how this holiday came about and some people responsible for this day being set […]