What Is There To Love About God? (Part twelve)

Where do you turn to find hope and help to keep you going in troublesome times? One of my most frequented retreats is the book of Psalms; I’ve been spending considerable time there lately. Personal health issues, concern for the direction of our country, and the everyday challenges each of us faces keep me coming back for another look at God from the Psalmist’s point of view. As you know, I’ve been exploring “What is there to love about God?” for several weeks. This is the (twelfth) edition and I’m […]

Happy Birthday America?

Today is the two hundred-forty-eighth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the document that declared the colonies’ independence from the mother country. At great risk and personal sacrifice, the colonists fought for almost eight years to become free from the oppression of the British monarchy. The founding fathers who declared independence from England in 1776 realized their lives and possessions were at great risk. At the close of that eight-year war, many widows were left to raise their fatherless children. Truly, our country was founded on the […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Ten)

You may recall that last week’s blog was focused on how God wants to bless our nation. It is my opinion because of the many evil and downright stupid things happening in our country that we are quickly losing God’s favor and blessing. After many years of disrespecting God and His laws, we are reaping the bitter fruit of the corrupt seeds we and our leaders have sown. While we may not have participated in the choices or actions that have led to the mess we are in, we, our […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Nine)

I pulled into the gas service bay and noticed a man perhaps in his 40’s pumping gas in the car in front of me. My attention was drawn to these words on his car tag, “Disabled Veteran.” This prompted a “Thank you for your service, sir.” We entered into a brief discussion about his deployment to Iraq and I mentioned the three deployments my son and our family have gone through. He thanked me for my comments and my parting words to him were ” God bless you, sir.” I […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Eight)

Psalm 100 is one of the shortest psalms, but it packs a powerful message. In our troublesome times and amid the personal challenges we may be facing, thanksgiving is always in order. I don’t know about you, but the burden of my worries and anxiety lightens a bit when I stop to reflect on God’s goodness and care in my life. Our prayers and petitions should always be sprinkled with a heavy dose of gratitude. One of my favorite scriptural passages is Paul’s instruction in Philippians 4:6 “..in everything by […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Seven)

Psalm 46 is a song of praise for an instance when the Lord intervened to save Judah, the southern kingdom, from destruction. If you study the Psalms carefully you will discover that each has a story behind it. We have looked at David’s “shepherd song” and his prayers to God for deliverance from Saul and Absalom, who were trying to kill him. Each psalm has its story. Here are a few verses from Psalm 46. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will […]

What Is There To Love About God (Part Six)

Psalm 1 provides another answer to the question, “What is there to love about God?” This psalm encapsulates a reassuring theme common to other psalms and much of the teaching of the Bible. What is that reassuring idea? Obeying God’s word brings us the best life has to offer. The opposite is also true, disobeying God’s word will ultimately bring ruin and loss. God has created us as moral beings who can choose to obey or disobey His instructions or Law. His Law is a loving gift to teach us […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Five)

What is there to love about God? I began blogging about this question five weeks ago and am finding it hard to stop. I hope what I’m finding in the Psalms is as encouraging and reassuring to you as it has been for me; the psalms are an inexhaustible mine if riches about our Lord. So, let’s keep digging. Today we are looking at some verses in Psalm 37. This is a place I sometimes go when life is difficult and the world seems to have gone over the edge […]

What Is There To Love About God ? (Part Four)

Psalm 86 is another of David’s psalms. The opening words tell us something is wrong, something very troubling is going on, ” Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am afflicted and needy.” What is it that has prompted David’s desperate prayer? What is troubling him to the point that he is so direct in his plea for God’s help? You may recall that God became disgusted with Saul and gave the kingdom of Israel to David. However, being king over Israel was no easy task. I can […]

What Is There to Love About God? (part three)

“What is there to  love about God?” That is the question we have been exploring in the previous couple of blogs. We have looked at Psalms 23 and 103, both attributed to King David. In those magnificent works he has told us many things about God and why we should love Him. We explore our question today by considering some words about God from Psalm 100, a psalm not specifically identified with David’s writing. However, looking at what is being said here about the Lord will lead you to conclude […]