Thinking About God

 Small god or Big God? Good God or Mean god? Weak god or Strong God? Have you given much thought to how you think about God and the effect that has on your emotions, your outlook on life, and how you live? How do you answer the three sets of questions above? Why does it matter what you think about God? It matters because your god or God is your ultimate source of authority, what or who matters most in your life. Your values and the way you live are […]

Worth Fighting For

This blog is written on May 31, 2021, Memorial Day. This particular date is important to me for a couple of reasons. First, it is a federal holiday set aside to honor the countless men and women who have died in battle to gain or preserve the freedoms we so often take for granted. In the year 1969, Memorial Day was on Saturday, May 31; a day that forever changed my life. It seems that anything worth having in life will cost us something. Let me tell you what I […]

Who Are You Trying to Please?

I believe we are in a cultural war that will determine the future of our country. Forces of hell are working to change the very nature of our society in several different ways. Evil is behind this effort in high places in government, schools, powerful corporations, and many media outlets to replace the Christian principles that undergird our constitution and way of life. They are inciting hate and division which can ultimately destroy us. Those who participate in these activities have a plan based on lies and use intimidation, and […]

Where’s the Evidence?

Many years ago there was a question being asked from pulpits and in Christian writings that went something like this, “If you were arrested and put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Today, Christians are being persecuted in many different parts of the world. And, the way things seem to be trending in our country, the idea that you and I could be put on trial for our faith in Christ may not be far-fetched What if you were arrested today for […]

Not Guilty

The guilt or innocence of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is in the hands of twelve jurors. Chauvin, as you know, has been charged with the murder of George Floyd in May of 2020. The jury’s task is to listen to witnesses, weigh the facts, and decide the innocence or guilt of Mr. Chauvin. The verdict will determine this man’s fate, a judgment that is likely to be unpopular no matter which way it goes. Courtroom or legal words such as judgment, guilty, and innocent are part of the […]

Do the Birds Know Something We Don’t?

Years ago, I heard a conversation between a robin and a sparrow which gave me a “bird’s eye view” of what’s going with much of the human race. As I recall, the discussion went something like this: Said the robin to the sparrow, “I would like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.” Said the sparrow to the robin,  “Well, I think that it must be that they have no Heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.” If birds and other creatures could […]


I pulled in behind a large SUV and got out my member and debit cards to be ready for my turn to pump gas. Nothing was happening at the pump in front of me, so I assumed the person might have finished and would be leaving soon. I waited patiently a couple more minutes, and it dawned on me that the driver had not even begun to do what they had supposedly come there to do, to pump gas. A minute or so later, the person got out, and with […]

Faithful Change

  Faithful Change Do you sometimes feel dizzy or a bit depressed by the magnitude and pace of change? Does it seem to you that you are continuously dealing with some form of change? The weather, your body, mood, finances, job-related transitions,  sickness, death, or marriage of a family member require some form of action. Additionally, we must learn how to respond to the deteriorating societal values and the increasing intrusions of government and powerful corporations in our everyday lives. In his book, Faithful Change, Dr. James Fowler states that […]


      Lonely? Sometimes I feel lonely. What about you? I believe everyone struggles with a sense or feeling of loneliness from time to time. This deep, uneasy struggle for meaning may last for a day or two for some of us while others live with it day after day, never really escaping its drain on their energy and sense of purpose. There are many reasons you may feel lonely; an unrequited love, loss of a job, illness, lack of meaningful relationships, or marital issues. The common denominator of […]

Time is Flying

What is time? If you consult a dictionary you will discover no fewer than a dozen options. One such answer is “a period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.” Over the centuries mankind has measured time with calendars, sundials, clocks, and watches. A dash on a tombstone between the date of a person’s birth and death represents the years and month he or she lived. We humans seem to be very conscious of time. Why is that? Could it be that somehow we instinctively know our […]