How Is Your Vision ?

Our subject today is vision. Your eyes are a marvelous testimony of the ingenuity of our Creator. If you haven’t done so, take some time to investigate some of the marvels of one of the most intricate and wonderful parts of your body, your eyes. For many years I had perfect (20/20) vision. But as I continued to age, I needed glasses with a corrective lens to enable me to read and see things up close more easily. Another change came and I now wear glasses to correct my vision […]

5 Star Reviews

Overwhelming! For three days last week I made my e book “free” on Amazon. The response was as I said, “overwhelming.” Perhaps you were one of the many who took advantage of my offer. I am glad to be  able to provide my weekly blogs for free, and occasionally give copies of different books away as well. I hope what I  am trying to do will be helpful in your daily walk with the Lord. I have several 5 STAR reviews on my book Heaven’s Currency! And, I need more […]

Free ebook copy of Heaven’s Currency

  Heaven’s Currency e-book free. Here’s your opportunity to check out my book without any risk or cost to you. I am offering a free e-book to anyone who wants it for three days only, July 12,13, and 14. Get it for yourself or encourage a family member or friend to get it. Here’s all you need to do: Click this link and enter Heaven’s Currency in the search bar. How easy is that. It will only take you a couple of minutes. I’ve had wonderful reviews on the book […]

Heart Maps

“Out of the heart come the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23 Heart Maps. To most of you, this may seem to be an unusual combination of words or ideas. We often hear phrases such as heart attack, heart trouble, heart break, and heartache. And, we know what these words mean. But what is a heart map? To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen these words used together before. So, I may be coining a new word combination. Let me try to explain by discussing these words separately […]

What Are You Thinking?

    Thinking; the ability to consider, ponder, plan, and solve problems is a God-given endowment that is so important to each of us. While some ” lesser” animals can problem-solve, none compares to the high levels of thinking humans are capable of. Neuroscientist have discovered that we humans have more highly developed frontal lobes in our brain than any other species. Do you remember the Genesis story of how God created everything? The heavenly bodies, the earth, water, fish, and animals all preceded his crowing act. And, He created […]

How to Make a Good Choice, 6 Reminders

Today, I want to give you a little checklist of 6 reminders about good choices. Life requires choices and sometimes we need reminders, a checklist of things to keep in mind, especially when our decisions are weighty ones. Good choices are important because we are given one life and the awesome power to decide who we will be and what we will do with our life. We make choices and those choices have consequences. Some choices seem rather inconsequential but others have life-altering, eternal meaning. The good choice to follow […]

Follow the Money

“Follow the money” is a phrase often used related to the investigation of political corruption. We are starting to hear this idea tossed about in relation to our current president and his son. It was prominent in a 1976 movie, All the President’s Men, focusing on the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon.,examining%20money%20transfers%20between%20parties. I believe “following the money” will reveal a great deal about each of us. If you “follow the money” in your life, what will that say about you?  Money is important. It is one of […]

Good Decisions in 3 Steps

There are 3 basic steps involved in making good decisions. Wise people learn  to make a habit of making choices that are good for them and others. What better habit could you develop than the habit of making one good decision after another? Most of us will confess that one way we have learned how to make better decisions is through the pain and frustration of bad ones. If we were smart we did some serious thinking, talked to wiser people, and did some research so as not to make […]

Are You A Savvy Investor? 3 Questions

” The Savvy Investor” is the subject of my blog today. Investing is important to all of us. I had to  brace myself before opening my IRA retirement account recently. I reassured myself and my wife that the double-digit percentage loss is “only on paper” and we don’t need that money right now. Perhaps you are also concerned about some of your financial investments; an empty building you need to rent out, taxes and insurance you are paying on a vehicle or a “toy” that isn’t providing a good ROI.  […]

Easter People in a Good Friday World

” Easter people in a Good Friday World.” I was intrigued and curious when I heard her say it. Our speaker that morning was a very bright and devoted follower of Jesus named  Kristi McClelland. What did she mean by this arresting introductory statement to her powerful message , “Easter people in a Good Friday World?” My primary takeaway from Kristi’s message is that followers of Jesus serve a Risen Lord. Yes, Good Friday is important but without the resurrection God’s plan has failed and we are still in our […]