What Is There To Love About God (Part Thirteen)

The following may seem a strange way to begin a post about “What Is There To Love About God?” Indulge me for a couple of minutes and it will be clear where I’m going with this. 

There’s a lot in the news nowadays about trust, or the lack of it when it comes to our government leaders. Folks all over America doubt the motives and capability of many of those we have elected to serve us.

We have a real ”crisis of confidence” in our country and there doesn’t seem to be much prospect of it getting better. A 2024 Pew research report says only about 2 out of every 10 Americans trust our government to do what is good for the country.

The Trust FactorWhat happened to the idea that character should be the first qualification to consider when choosing our leaders?

Is this person honest, do they seek to tell the truth? What is their record of doing what they say? Do they keep their promises? If people lie about themselves or others to get elected, this should be a big red flag to us.

In addition to good character, people we choose to lead us should be able to lead. While personal integrity is an absolute for good leadership, it is not enough. The ability to lead involves many qualities such as:

.The ability to understand problems and challenges and provide solutions to address them,

.A strong vision to guide the work for which he/she is chosen,

.The skill to assemble a team of like-minded people to accomplish the vision,

.A servant’s heart that puts the needs of the served above self-pride and recognition.

Here’s what I’m getting at.  

  Leaders with trustworthy character and skills necessary to lead our nation are a rare and priceless gift. No matter our political affiliations, we are to pray for our leaders, live peaceably, and work for the good of our country.

Since the character and trustworthiness of earthly, temporal leaders are so important, how much more important is the trustworthiness of the character of the One to which we trust our eternal soul?

Who can deliver us personally, and our nation in turmoil? Is that Someone’s name Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, or J.D. Vance? 

I am very hopeful that a change for the better will come soon to our country. I pray daily for God to raise people of wisdom and courage to lead us. I can think of no job in this world that is more demanding and stressful than those entrusted with the leadership of our country.

That said, there is only one true God who gives wisdom to those who ask, forgiveness to all who repent, guidance to those who sincerely seek it, and eternal life to anyone who trusts Jesus and what He has done to save us. 

As I look in the “rearview mirror” of my life I see a characteristic of God that renews my hope for today and my future. God has been faithful in all His dealings with me! I love God because He has been, is now, and will always be trustworthy to me and all those who trust Him.

Recently, I came across a verse in Psalm 143 where David is praying and invokes God’s “faithfulness” in answering him. Here’s what I found.

“Hear my prayer, O Lord. Give ear to my supplications! Answer me in thy faithfulness, in thy righteousness! “ v.1

David needs God’s intervention because the persecution of his enemies is crushing him. His spirit is overwhelmed and he is “hanging on for dear life.”

Trouble is nothing new to David. He has asked God for help many times and has confidence that God will come to his aid again. God has never failed him. He will not fail him now! 

We are forgetful creatures, aren’t we? The enemy is good at helping us forget all the times God has come to our aid. Because, if we remember how good God has been to us we will trust Him and continue to depend on Him and ask for what we need. 

One of the many things we should never forget about our wonderful Lord is that He is faithful to do what is in our best interest. He is a good Father! He is compassionate! And, He enjoys doing for us what only He can do!

Maybe it’s time to take a moment to reflect, and remember times when you know God has answered your prayers. Review your life from your earlier days til now. Trace the hand of God and thank Him for his faithfulness to you.   

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

Now, Let this great hymn remind you of God’s faithfulness, one of the many reasons to love  Him.


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