Truth (Part Four)

Do you realize you live in “two” worlds? When you trusted Jesus as your savior you became a citizen of another realm of existence. From that moment you became a dual citizen, continuing to live in this world system but with a higher allegiance to Jesus as your Lord. You may have noticed soon after you became a follower of Jesus that the two worlds are in constant conflict, both vying for your worship and investment.

As a follower of Jesus, you live in two worlds that are in conflict. This is a life-changing truth for all who want to be faithful followers of Jesus.

Now, think  about this truth for a moment, ” I live in a two-world marketplace in which I invest every day.” To make this more real, say this aloud to yourself and consider what it implies. Let this sink in, to permeate your thoughts and feelings.

Are you a follower of Jesus? If so, you must understand what it means that you “live in two worlds.” As a consequence of your decision to follow Him, your daily choices about how you spend your time, money, and energy are to be guided by the superior claims of Jesus in your life. You belong to Jesus and his world, not to this world.

The “two-world” idea is expressed or implied in many of Jesus’ teachings, i.e., Parable of the Talents, Sermon on the Mount, etc.  Sincere followers of Jesus understand that life has a purpose and that we are accountable to our Creator for how we use our lives.

You and I  live in two realms; we live in this physical world existing within a spiritual realm. This spiritual realm is invisible, but is as real as the trees, houses, and people around us.

Both worlds are a marketplace with something to “sell” us. And, every day we choose to “buy” with our time, money, and energies in what these markets offer. I like the way someone has put it. ” Believers swim in the same water as the unsaved. We are pilgrims on earth, just passing through. Our true home is in heaven.”  

What are these conflicting marketplaces selling?

Our temporary world is beset by inflation and many other challenges. You are paying more than ever for milk, bread, and other necessities at the store or marketplace where you buy these things. You purchase things you need at physical stores such as Kroger’s, Publix, or Walmart or virtual sites such as Amazon, Overstock, Macy’s, and multitudes of other vendors.

At these marketplaces, you can invest money in an unimaginable variety of food, clothing, electronics, automobiles, books, vacations, etc. You can exchange payment for these goods and services by inserting a plastic card in a machine or entering your card’s information at a website checkout. Enter your pin, click a button and the purchase is done. You are provided with a set of tires or a good meal with your family for your investment. You have invested in the physical marketplace where you live out your days.

But beware physical goods is not all the world’s marketplace is trying to sell us. The “world” also sells us ideas and philosophies of life, while selling us necessities such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul warns us of the kind of “world” that is opposed to Christ and his teachings, “Do not be conformed to the beliefs of this world ..”(my translation) 

We can see “this world’s” influence all around us. For example, we are currently in dangerous times because of corrupt and evil ideas being marketed. Some politicians and wealthy donors with destructive, atheistic ideologies are sowing divisiveness and lies which can destroy the basic foundations on which our country was founded.

I’m concerned that too few of us are aware of the implications of what this evil can do to destroy the freedoms we take for granted. Satan is on the loose, having a heyday in our country! 

Here’s a rather long article on the world and the church, but I found it helpful, perhaps you will also.

The other marketplace in which we invest is spiritual, unseen but just as real as the physical one. God recognizes the necessities we must have to survive and thrive physically but insists that life is about more than food, clothing, and accumulating material wealth. The spiritual marketplace’s view is that we are made in the image of God and need something more than the world offers to meet our deepest longings. 

Because of our spiritual nature, the values of the heavenly marketplace conflict with many of the values, ideas, and products advertised and sold in the world’s markets. The spiritual marketplace (heaven) offers abundant life in the here and now and the promise of eternal life through a personal relationship with God. 

What are you investing in with your money, time, and gifts? We invest time, money, words, talents, and energy daily.  We spend twenty-four hours at work, sleeping, and doing various other activities. Do we use money to support the people and things most valuable to us? Do we use our talents, words, and energies to encourage and help others in need? 

I have another question for you.  What is your return on the investments on your use of your time, money, and energy?  Which world are you following? If your goal is pleasure, what you can see, taste, feel, and take from life before you die, you will invest accordingly.

If you believe your life’s purpose is to honor God, you will choose to invest your life in developing personal character and faithful relationships. In either instance, you invest with the hope of getting a return on your investment, now or eternal.

two worldsTwo Worlds, one choice. You live in a two-world marketplace with two fundamental choices; to live by God’s plan or go the way of this world. This is the most consequential choice you will ever make.

Two worlds vie for your affection and devotion. And, choose, you must. This choice has serious attendant consequences; it determines the direction of the brief life you have on earth and your eternal destiny.

How will you invest your life today? Will you give your life to Jesus or live by the values of the fallen world? For more on this idea of how you are investing your life click 

My book, Heaven’s Currency, Investing In The Things That Matter Most, goes into great detail about the issues involved in living in two worlds. Check it out and find clarity and help with the battles we face every day. 

two worldsAvailable now at a reduced price of $12.95 at   Also available in paperback and e-book editions at


4 thoughts on “Truth (Part Four)

  1. Cos,

    Great to hear about the book! Will pray for success and a book even sooner than the spring.


  2. So excited for you! I can’t wait to read it and brag that we know the author personally. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  3. Yes, a temporary citizen of this world, but by God’s grace and mercy an eternal citizen of heaven!

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